
The Power of Culture: Boosting Success in the Tech World

Invevo Explores the Power of Culture in the Tech World
Megan Courtenay
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At Invevo, we know that our platform and our role in the accounts receivables industry is crucial in driving innovation. But we also know that our culture plays an even more vital role in the overall performance and success of our company.

Research consistently shows that a strong company culture positively impacts employee engagement, retention, productivity, and innovation. Creating an exceptional company culture is our secret ingredient to driving performance and achieving remarkable success. We firmly believe that when our people thrive, our company thrives, which is a defining factor for success in the tech industry.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into why culture is so important, both for us and for the tech space and how it fuels company performance and achievements.

The Manchester Invevo Squad on their social last month

Defining Company Culture

When we talk about company culture, we're talking about the heart and soul of our organisation. It's the collective values and behaviours that shape the way a company does things. It's not just a fancy document on the shelf; it's something that we live and breathe every single day and attempt to implement across our work.

A strong culture is reflected in how a company behaves, interacts, and operates, and we believe this should constantly be evolving and improving.

Fuelling Innovation and New Ideas

Fostering innovation and embracing the power of creativity helps drive growth in the tech industry. We know this is a crucial element in the tech industry, and 84% of executives believe that innovation is key to success.

A collaborative and open culture fosters an environment where employees are encouraged to think outside the box, share ideas freely, and take calculated risks.

By embracing a culture that embraces and nurtures innovation, tech companies can tap into the full potential of their talented workforce, pushing boundaries and staying ahead in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

The innovation lies at the heart of what we do at Invevo. We understand that technology is constantly advancing, and we strive to be at the forefront of this progress. By embracing innovation, we are able to drive positive change in the financial industry. We actively seek new ideas, approaches, and solutions to meet the evolving needs of our customers. Our dedicated teams stay curious, continually exploring and leveraging emerging technologies to create cutting-edge solutions that propel our customers' success.

Power of Collaboration:

We firmly believe in the power of collaboration. At Invevo, we understand that our collective intelligence is greater than the sum of our individual contributions. By working closely with our customers, partners, and team members, we foster a collaborative environment that fuels creativity and propels us toward shared goals. Collaboration enables us to leverage diverse perspectives, harness collective expertise, and deliver the best possible outcomes. We can achieve more and drive meaningful impact in the financial technology landscape.

Fostering Alignment and Accountability for Exceptional Performance

At Invevo, we're passionate about having a strong sense of mission and purpose. We attract motivated team members passionate about making a difference in tech.

According to research, engaged employees who share company goals and values are 27% more likely to deliver excellent performance.

Thorough onboarding and training programs that provide insight into the company's history, vision, and strategy can foster this alignment. Setting clear goals at individual and company levels enhances accountability and makes employees feel valued for their contributions.

Cultivating Employee Loyalty with a Psychologically Safe Workspace

We know stereotypically, the tech industry has a reputation for high turnover rates. Crafting a culture that makes your team build a sustainable, long-lasting future with the company retains valuable expertise and creates stability within the organisation.

In the tech industry, we focus on data-driven solutions. We innovate. We prioritise our products so we can lead the pack when it comes to making meaningful changes. But this is sometimes to the detriment of what we need to value the most: our people.

That’s why we make it a point at Invevo to feel comfortable with failing and speaking out.

When we aren’t delivering the results we want, it’s important for us to feel comfortable with speaking out so we can get back on track for success. This is psychological safety.

Psychological safety is a shared belief held by members at Invevo that it’s good to take risks, express their ideas and concerns, speak up with questions and admit their mistakes - all without the fear of being ridiculed, judged or facing negative consequences.

Experienced and innovative employees bring highly skilled expertise to the table, helping us fulfil your mission. Our fundamental goal is that the entire team's morale stays high. No productivity disruptions, no morale slumps—just a smooth sailing ship!

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Tech

The tech industry has been grappling with gender diversity and inclusivity challenges, [with women estimated to represent just 28% of the UK tech workforce.](https://wearetechwomen.com/diversity-in-tech-what-the-statistics-say/#:~:text=With 1 in 4 tech,across the wider UK workforce.)

At Invevo, a gender-balanced and diverse workforce can lead to more productivity and a sustainable workplace. These statistics are harrowing for the tech industry and are precisely what we like to avoid throughout the hiring process.

Our Head of Recruitment Jess Johnson broke down our hiring goals and objectives:

"We actively seek out and join several networks/forums that promote women in tech as well as ensure our recruitment process has a diverse panel which will bring multiple perspectives; this also may result in candidates feeling more comfortable and confident interviewing with people that represent a diverse background."

"Women bring unique experiences and ideas, which will provide different perspectives and angles to the team, resulting in more creativity and efficient solutions that can be considered."

Embracing diversity drives innovation and fosters a more positive and engaging work environment.

Our Invevo Squad from all over Europe

Reaping the Rewards of a Good Culture

Great culture and boosted customer satisfaction go hand in hand in the tech space. When employees feel valued, inspired and engaged, your customers will too.

A great culture promotes effective communication and collaboration within the organisation, allowing teams to work together seamlessly to solve problems and deliver personalised solutions.

We aim to empower our teams to push boundaries, deliver innovative solutions, and provide exceptional value to our customers. As we continue on our journey, we remain committed to nurturing a thriving culture that fosters creativity, embraces collaboration, and embraces the spirit of continuous improvement. Collaboration and diverse perspectives bring enhanced strategic decision-making to ensure both our customers and employees have the ultimate experience with Invevo.

Culture is what sets us apart and drives our performance and success.

For companies in the tech industry, bringing together common values creates a loyal and inclusive community that encourages innovation. Creating a collaborative community and a motivated team.

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