Credit Management

Navigating Credit Management Software: Unshackling Workflows with Flexible Technology

Invevo explores how automation in flexible and adaptable technology helps optimise credit management processes.
Megan Courtenay
5 Mins Max
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Ensuring a healthy cash flow is a crucial element in effective credit management. Fortunately, the improving cash flow and operational processes often begins internally where the strategic integration of versatile tools and technology paves the way for an impactful transformation.

Over the last few years, the world of credit management has witnessed a paradigm shift, and at the heart of this transformation lies the integration of automation with adaptable technology.

In this blog post, we explore the power behind workflow optimisation through automation embodied by platforms like Invevo. This journey is not just a technical evolution; it's a journey that unshackles workflows, empowers credit managers, and orchestrates success in the complex processes within credit management.

The Evolution of Credit Management Software

Historically, credit management has been a complicated puzzle comprised of manual processes, fragmented systems, and information silos. The inefficiencies showcased in these traditional legacy tools and technology often stagnate the optimisation of cash performance.

Enter the hero that is customisable and flexible automation, designed to revolutionise financial processes.

The Power of Automation in Credit Management Workflows

Credit managers can liberate their workflows and unlock efficiency by embracing automation.

By incorporating advanced technologies and automated systems, credit managers can streamline intricate processes, from credit limit requests to dispute resolutions. Automation alleviates the burden of repetitive, time-consuming tasks, allowing credit managers to focus on strategic decision-making and proactive risk management.

Scenario: Streamlining Dispute Resolution with Invevo’s Automated Workflows

Envision a credit manager's daily routine transformed, where labor-intensive manual tasks are replaced with efficient streamlined processes.

Well! We’re going to show you how…

Meet Sarah, a seasoned credit manager at a multinational company. Sarah oversees a diverse portfolio of clients, each with its unique processes and transaction history.

One day, Sarah receives an alert about a potential dispute from one of their key clients. The client claims that there is an error in the invoicing, leading to a disagreement on the amount owed.

In a traditional setup, resolving this dispute could be a time-consuming process. The manual steps might include:

  1. Identification of the Dispute: Sarah needs to manually review transaction records, invoices, and communication logs to understand the nature of the dispute. This can take hours, depending on the complexity of the client's transactions.
  2. Communication with Stakeholders: Sarah must communicate with various stakeholders, including the client, account manager, and internal finance teams. Coordinating emails, phone calls, and meetings to gather information and perspectives.
  3. Task Prioritisation: Once the details are gathered, Sarah needs to prioritise tasks related to dispute resolution. This involves deciding which tasks should be addressed first, allocating resources, and creating a roadmap for resolution.
  4. Resolution Process: Sarah initiates the resolution process, which may involve manual adjustments to invoices, coordinating with the finance team for credit notes, and ensuring that the client is updated at every step.

NOW let's envision the same scenario with automation through a platform like Invevo:

  1. Automated Dispute Identification: Invevo's automated systems continuously monitor transaction data. As soon as a potential dispute arises, the system flags it based on predefined criteria. This proactive identification happens in real-time, saving Sarah the manual effort of constant monitoring.
  2. Integrated Communication Channels: Invevo provides streamlined communication channels within the platform. Automated notifications are triggered, informing all relevant stakeholders about the dispute. Sarah can communicate with the client and internal teams directly through the platform, eliminating the need for scattered emails and calls.
  3. Task Prioritisation and Performance Monitoring: Invevo's automated workflows prioritise tasks based on predefined rules and performance metrics. The system can intelligently assess the urgency and impact of each task, allowing Sarah to focus on the most critical aspects of dispute resolution first. Performance monitoring tools provide insights into the efficiency of the resolution process.
  4. Comprehensive Reporting and Insights: Invevo's data analytics tools offer advanced reporting on dispute statuses, root causes, and trends. Sarah gains immediate visibility into the disputes at a glance, allowing her to make informed decisions without delving into extensive manual analyses.

By leveraging automation, Sarah not only saves considerable time but also ensures a more efficient and proactive approach to dispute resolution. The manual, time-consuming steps are replaced by a streamlined, automated process, allowing Sarah to navigate disputes with agility.

Efficient Customer Relationship Management

As highlighted above, automation greatly benefits internal teams. However, automation also helps manage and improve customer relationships too.

Through streamlined dispute management, customers receive the best support and avoids escalating disputes that weakens customer relationships.

Automated credit management systems also enable credit managers to proactively manage customer relationships by swiftly and accurately collecting data. This expedites the order-to-cash timeline, enhancing customer service.

It aids in identifying customer risks, establishing strategic credit limits, and ensuring adherence to payment terms. Enhanced visibility into outstanding payments enables organisations to promptly recognise outstanding payments and reduces key metrics such as DSO, sending timely reminders and curbing customer payment delinquency. The ability to segment customers into different credit and risk zones empowers organisations to allocate credit accurately based on individual credit and payment behaviours.


As we witnessed in Sarah's scenario, the seamless integration of technology streamlines dispute resolution, transforms communication channels, and provides actionable insights at a glance.

As we propel into the future, the integration of automation and adaptable technology stands at the forefront of tech revolution that will guide credit managers through the challenges of outdated and time consuming tools in credit management.

We’ll soon be releasing an exciting eBook partnered with the CICM about utilising flexible technology in credit management, so keep your eyes peeled 👀.

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